Immigration; no doubt the greatest scourge of the last century. Not for its influence in the historical sense, but for the Marxist constructs behind it as well as the very real decay it has caused to each and every one of our beloved western nations. As with most cases, we run the risk of ear piercing shrieks of labels such as "racism!!" or "fascists!!"; however, we are impermeable to such childish tactics and have chosen to live in the world of reality, logic, and reason. Our Marxist friends really only resort to two avenues when facing vastly superior intellectual debate and discourse; either street violence or accusations of racism. They simply have never held the ability to run a campaign on an open declaration of their "principles" or meet conservatism head to head on the issues. So that being said allow me to announce to the Bolshevik reader that this author shall provide in the following paragraphs, plenty of ammunition for hysteria; however, the street approach will serve you better than the labels, we have heard them time and time again.
The basic construct, or fundamental design of mass immigration from inferior states is the concept of voter cultivation. The idea that hordes of immigrants, from nations whose populations yield nearly zero benefit to the western nation which absorbs them, would most certainly, and rightfully so, seem like utter lunacy to the average citizen. Of course that is before a number of elements in the Bolshevik machine sink their teeth into the ignorance, sensibilities, and conscience of the average citizen. Ignorance, being the first and most detrimental of all components of average citizenry, is the first angle of attack for the left. We are sold the usual line about labour shortages, vast inequities in the technical industry, an inferiority to other states who were "smart enough" to recruit foreign expertise and labour, etc... Most of the time, the public, concerned with taxation, social benefits, crime, their personal lives etc, tend to accept this lie and forget about it the very next day. The result being an ever widening gate and an unsuspecting populace who never seemed to notice that all of those "foreign experts" were never really experts at much more than maximizing their siphoning of the welfare system. It was never questioned in the past how nations such as Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Pakistan, etc... had suddenly been discovered as such a wealth of expert and professional tradesmen. Apparently, the Americans, the Japanese, the South Koreans, Taiwanese, Australians, or Israelis had absolutely nothing to offer by means of expertise in comparison to let’s say, Anatolian Turks. The myth is clear; if there were a need for foreign expertise, or skilled labour, even a monkey could run the immigration and labour department with more competence. However, none of this was accidental.
Next we move on to the sensitive and compassionate angles of attack. This has proven to be far more devastating to the nation than the ignorance of the citizen. Ignorance of labour statistics and so-clled shortages can bring the individual, but the heartstrings, the conscience which the Bolshevik thief can effectively prey upon for a number of years, causing immense damage to the nations ethnic demographic as well as the economy before he is put in check, grows the problem exponentially. The individual, generally originating from a muslim nation, now brings upon society his wife, his many children, and extended family. Those offspring and extended family in turn marry spouses from their home country only to exponentially add to the burden once again. The cycle is now endless. All of this started with Bolshevik not being satisfied with the individual "skilled worker" being brought into the nation. The left must now appeal to our conscience and have a us feel pity on the man, separated from his family, and therefore "reunite" them on our shores, and of course on our backs as well. We are told that this poor lonely man is now one of us, an essential spoke in the wheel; who are we to deny this poor soul the right to a family life and all the benefits of our socialist welfare state? Of course the fact that the initial immigrant has not been employed, has acquired state-funded housing, monthly welfare subsidies, and a host of other forced generosity from the indigenous taxpayer is deliberately left out of the discussion; to do so would be racist in nature and akin to Nazism. This of course includes a massive campaign to censor the criminal activities of our "new citizens" as well; for we all know that they are not to blame, we simply don't care about them enough.
As if the family reunification machine was not enough, we must also show our heartfelt sympathies to the world's impoverished and oppressed through massive refugee absorptions. Frankly speaking, if it is possible to talk us into paying more so that Ahmed the poor mistreated immigrant can be reunited with his several wives and dozen children, why not pay just a little more to protect those poor defenseless lambs who suffer so greatly under the regimes of their brutal nations and horrific social environments. G-d knows that when Somalis kill other Somalis, it is up to Sweden to force its own citizens to set things straight; the morality seems so completely pristine. However, it is sort of a wrench in the gears when said refugees don't seem willing to give up the barbarity from they "fled" or embrace the nation who "saved" them from their hell. Al of that hardly matters though as the average Swede can be told to believe that he or she has committed a greater good in the grand scheme of things. If only France, the Netherlands, or Sweden could bring all of them; what a wonderful world it would be.
Now we arrive at the reality of voter cultivation. I hate to have to explain this concept as I am one who still believes that Europeans have the ability to think critically and intelligently; however, I had to let go of some of my faith when the Germans decided it was a good idea to tie its currency to Greece or Spain. Ladies and gentlemen, the lie has run its course. There shouldn't be a man woman or child who honestly believes that the ruling elite has flooded our nations with swine, parasites, criminals, and barbarians out of compassion. There shouldn't be a man woman or child who still believes that we couldn't find other nations to draw talent from if there ever was a labour or technical trade shortage. The truth is that the left has felt its grip on the minds of the indigenous voter slipping rapidly to levels detrimental to the ideology's survival. Armed with unprecedented access to finances, the immoral will to borrow indefinitely, and the twisted desire to bribe and dupe the voter into utter dependence, the Bolshevik minded politician constantly seeks ways to gain electoral superiority. Knowing that culture, heritage, faith, and the numbers of the middle class of indigenous citizenry are traditional enemies of Marxism, he seeks to counter, erode, and ultimately eradicate these obstacles.
Mass immigration has become the greatest weapon of Euro-socialism to date; if one cannot convince the masses of one's own nation, the virtues and truths of the utopia, then it becomes clear that subversion and forced tolerance will do as much of the leg work as any open revolution. According to many of our friends on the left, the main problem with any given nation, say, Holland, is that it is filled with Dutch people. The Dutch have that annoying habit of voting in ways contrary to the kollectiv or "greater good". The Dutch tend to have the antiquated and evil fondness for things such as private property rights, a love of nation, and a desire for liberty and the right to keep the nation in its traditional form. Such people cannot be relied upon to advance the Marxist order. The question of the day is how does the revolutionary deal with such barriers to the utopia? Well, its simple; he must erode that which stands firm. The Judeo-Christian faith and tradition is as good a place to begin as any. The root of fascism and right wing evil resides in their concept of morality, community, nation, and identity; G-d is essentially to blame for the unfair advances of the white European. The seeds of prejudice, which of course motivated the white European to rise to the height of civilisation, at the expense of others no doubt, was planted by the Church. So how does the revolutionary dilute this maddening enemy?
Pogroms against faith by the left in general are for a future essay, but we can focus on the role mass immigration plays in the breakdown of traditional Judeo-Christian society. Again, this author will use the Dutch as a model; though the tactics are general and in wide use throughout the western world, including the United States. For the Netherlands; the effect that mass immigration has had on Judeo-Christian culture is simply catastrophic. The premise of the "secular" mindset is steeped in Marxism; for the only way to form a truly socialist government is to create a G-d like image and authority of the government itself. There must be no faith, no dependence on anybody other than the government itself. It must demand and enjoy the idea that it and only it provides from birth to death. In the Netherlands we can witness the most advanced stages of this national disease. The leftist party PvdA has by its own admission, become a party of immigrants. The city of Rotterdam, the second largest in the country, now headed by a man who holds Moroccan citizenship, and with a nearly 50% immigrant population, is irrefutable evidence of the political damage that voter cultivation presents to any given nation. Once again the question that must be asked is, to what extent do these immigrants contribute to the national benefit? The answer is clearly none; the only benefit is the electoral clout which certain left leaning parties gain through sheer bribery and the cultivation of utter dependence. These Turks, Moroccans, Surinamese, and others are simply paid and supported in exchange for votes. To assume that they have anything in common with the ideology of Marx, the socialist utopia, or the so-called "green" movements is completely absurd. One side is merely using the other to gain the upper hand. The left feels that there is no potential for a proletariat amongst the indigenous and therefore seeks to create one. The immigrant, the muslim most of all, simply seeks to infiltrate, impregnate, and eventually take over party structure in order to make them serve their own interests. In the meantime, the indigenous Dutch becomes the serf, the financial contributor of his own demise and subjugation.
Recent Dutch elections have proven beyond all reasonable doubt that the awareness of these dangers is at an all time high. However, with the VVD victory of Mr. Rutte's conservative party, coalition forming with the appropriate partners becomes as crucial to Dutch survival as any time in history. The PVV and Mr. Wilders historic gains show that a vast portion of the Dutch electorate believe that radical change is needed to maintain and rebuild the Dutch national identity for the future. Mr. Rutte would be well advised to take into account that this party is a force to be reckoned with and that the days of allowing the status quo of muslim colonisation are numbered. The right choice naturally for Mr. Rutte is to make Wilders a major partner in the new government. The crossroads of survival or death are right here in this moment. Any collaboration with PvdA would spell certain disaster and destruction for the Netherlands. While I have every confidence in Mr. Rutte making the critical decisions needed to form this alliance, I must offer sincere concern for his tendency to react cowardly in the face of the media and its attacks on Mr. Wilders. The news media, nothing more than a propaganda wing of the Marxist left, will no doubt step up the attacks as harshly as ever in order to both appease the muslim as well as crush the ascendency of the PVV. Mr. Rutte must be steadfast in his efforts to take Dutch interests before his own.
In essence, what is necessary for the road ahead, with any given nation in the western world, is a complete overhaul of the priorities regarding truth, logic and common sense. That there is a need to draw upon foreign expertise is from time to time a certain reality. That we may relieve these needs with the masses from North Africa, Turkey or other inferior nations is not only a farce, it is a crime against the indigenous population as a whole. Statistics on crime, social cohesion, social security, and national security are quite clear in their conclusions; the only benefit from flooding our nations with muslims is that of the left still being able to gain results in political contests. If there be a shortage of labour, technical expertise and the like, then it is essential to give the public the chance to have a say in exactly who and where we draw such candidates for the privilege of settling in our nations. As the governing elite are hardly effected by the onslaught of criminal masses, it would be ridiculous to allow them the privilege of continuing their efforts to replace our populations for their own political benefit. Secondly, the criminal immigrant must be expelled immediately. In the case of the Netherlands this is most easily achieved as most still carry foreign passports. Third, a demand must be made of ALL immigrants that they not only tolerate the culture of their host nation, but that they fully commit to embracing its identity entirely; any failure to do so should and must be met with expulsion. As the "multicultural" experiment seems to only include nations where the rest of the world feels the Judeo-Christian white culture needs to be eradicated, then i don't see it necessary to take into account any accusations of racism; especially from those nations who send us their garbage as well as make no efforts to integrate our culture into their own uni-cultural states. Hypocrisy has no place in the logical and necessary future steps in European and western politik. If we are to survive then we must assume the mantle of common sense, self preservation, logic, and truth. When we accept this then and only then will we be able to move into the future.