This report comes to us from INN;
The IDF reports that the crew of the Gaza-bound flotilla lay in wait for the IDF to board their vessel and then attacked IDF soldiers. One crew member reportedly snatched a gun from an IDF soldier and then opened fire on the troops. One soldier was stabbed in the stomach with a sharp object. The soldier is in moderate condition and was transferred for medical treatment by helicopter to Rambam Hospital in Haifa. Doctors there determined he would require surgery. Two other soldiers were also wounded and were transferred to Tel Hashomer hospital.
Late Sunday night, the Israeli Navy surprised the six-boat flotilla bound for Hamas-controlled Gaza in international waters and hundreds of IDF soldiers who came by air and sea boarded the ships and announced to all passengers that they are under arrest.
One of the crew said that one “Navy warship” had contacted the six boats in the flotilla and asked them to identify themselves. They were told the Navy would board the boats if the ships's crew and passengers do not agree to head for the Ashdod port instead of the Gaza Coast, where Israel maintains sovereignty under the Oslo Accords and does not allow ships to approach without searching them for arms.
International law allows for countries to ask suspicious boats to identify themselves. The vessels' passengers did not cooperate and called the move "scare tactics" on their streamed broadcasts.
The IDF searched the boats for arms immediately after the takeover. The soldiers were forced to use tear gas after they were attacked with knives, daggers and cudgels, putting their lives in danger. Unofficial reports that ten persons have been killed and another ten wounded were admitted to Rambam Hospital in Haifa were changed by the Arab television station Al Jazeera, to two killed and four wounded. An Al Jazeera reporter on one of the boats reported hearing gunshots.
The IDF has not issued a complete report on casualties or wounded in the operation. However, hospitals were put on alert to accept possible wounded.
The IDF released a terse statement shortly after midnight Sunday, stating, "Israeli Navy soldiers left this evening in order to stop the flotilla's provocative trip to Gaza. During the last few days, the soldiers have been conducting drills to ensure the mission's success."
Turkey's government called an emergency meeting to discuss the IDF action. Defense Minister Barak is holding ongoing meetings with his advisors.
The flotilla activists, some of whom are identified with terrorist Muslim groups, did not expect a confrontation with the Navy until Monday morning, when the flotilla expected to near the Gaza coast.
The flotilla sailed on Sunday, more than two days later than planned and without two of the ships that did not join because of malfunctions but which were expected to set sail after repairs.
“We fully intend to go to Gaza regardless of any intimidation of threats of violence against us,” said activist Huwaida Araf from the ships. “They are going to have to forcefully stop us.”
Let us set aside the nonsense for a moment and get something perfectly clear, absolutely straight; this is no accident. These people intended to attack these soldiers and they knew damn well that they would have that chance as they were repeatedly told to turn course for Ashdod or from where they came or else be boarded and searched by the Navy. They knew it, they organized and sprung upon the soldiers as they boarded the ship. There are no "versions" of the story to be told other than the correct version. The Navy acted in accordance with the rights of any sovereign nation, as well as that of the Oslo accords, and this double standard of the leftist-islamist axis has absolutely no ground here. Unfortunately for the weak, the evil, the twisted, the cowardly, and the scourge of humanity, Israel has every right to defend herself and that is exactly what she has, and always will do. If it is a fight you seek, then it is a fight you shall have. So that being said my Marxist, pedophile revering friends; I invite you to actually back up your hollow threats and cowardly taunts. G-d knows this has gone on for long enough.
The United Nations, a longtime sufferer of Marxist ideology, as well as the steadily increasing forces of the OIC which now dominate its agenda; you people have been exposed for the evil and opportunistic thugs that you are. It was you who declared the formation of the state, and now it is you who have fallen for the idea that if you just get rid of the Jews and their state, then the world will all get along. The funny thing here is your cowardice; if you be for the destruction of this state, G-d's state, then by his name you should try to eradicate it. I am sick of your hollow double speak, your incessant pandering to forces who call for its destruction, and your looking the other way for the purpose of mulsim approval abroad, and their votes within. As we as boys once used to say in the schoolyard, "shut up and put your fists where your mouth seems to preside." The Jewish people have long suffered your whimsical hatred and your pogroms; we have little time for your charade now. Israel is a nation of men, free men and women with every ounce of their being dedicated to the survival and advancement of that nation; they, we all, will not go down without the most vicious fight you have ever seen. So do what it is that you people have to do to feel strong; that is the closest you will ever get to the reality of strength, honour, pride, and glory really is.
My fellow Jews; the nations of the world once again seek our blood, our land, and our very existence for their walls. The Americans can still be somewhat trusted but not at the government level any more. As always, we are in this fight alone, almost anyway. Volunteers will come; the tradition of the Machal is not dead. When those valiant come, and come they will, we must welcome them with open arms for they are counted as those among the greatest and most righteous of men. From the valour and heroism of the War for Independence, we have counted many of the gentiles as a major pillar and reason for our success. I believe deep within my heart, we can count on their assistance once again. But know this my friends, as in the past, they will come from all sides. G-d was with us in those dark days and i do believe that he shall hold us in his hands once again. We shall drive them back to the hells from which they came and our land will be free once again. It will not be easy, many will perish, and the days shall draw darkness the likes of which we may believe we will never recover from. But it is in those days that we will find our strength and the purpose that makes our people the finest in the world. We will fight, we will die, we will eventually overcome, and we shall live on. I swear before G-d, and each and every one of you today that every drop of my blood is dedicated to the defense of my people, my land, and the truth; may I dwell in darkness forever if I break that oath.