This report comes to us from the Times;
Saudi Arabia has conducted tests to stand down its air defences to enable Israeli jets to make a bombing raid on Iran’s nuclear facilities, The Times can reveal.
In the week that the UN Security Council imposed a new round of sanctions on Tehran, defence sources in the Gulf say that Riyadh has agreed to allow Israel to use a narrow corridor of its airspace in the north of the country to shorten the distance for a bombing run on Iran.
To ensure the Israeli bombers pass unmolested, Riyadh has carried out tests to make certain its own jets are not scrambled and missile defence systems not activated. Once the Israelis are through, the kingdom’s air defences will return to full alert.
“The Saudis have given their permission for the Israelis to pass over and they will look the other way,” said a US defence source in the area. “They have already done tests to make sure their own jets aren’t scrambled and no one gets shot down. This has all been done with the agreement of the [US] State Department.”
Sources in Saudi Arabia say it is common knowledge within defence circles in the kingdom that an arrangement is in place if Israel decides to launch the raid. Despite the tension between the two governments, they share a mutual loathing of the regime in Tehran and a common fear of Iran’s nuclear ambitions. “We all know this. We will let them [the Israelis] through and see nothing,” said one.
Who should feign surprise at such a revelation? I would like to say that it is not the brightest of moments for this to be plastered across newspapers, but all the same, Iran knows this as much as anyone. A tactical strike at Iran through the Saudi corridor is not only the most convenient option, but the one to produce the largest window of success as well. With the fuel economy gained through such a route, the pilots have more room to improvise should there be any unforeseen developments throughout the approach, attack, and recovery phases. While it is worthy of consideration it is this author's opinion that domestic political fallout within the Kingdom will be negligible at best. The Saudis consider Iran an infidel regime and are quite eager to see it dismantled before it gets any more influence in the region. Of course we have to consider the Al Qaeda influence, but that too is not perched upon steady legs as it has embraced the Shia regime out of an alliance of convenience. All in all, the Saudi decision to grant aerospace to Israel is a very significant development in the window of what we can assume is an imminent attack on Iran. It also sends a strong message to the Syrians, Lebanese and other minor players that any act of aggression against the State of Israel will be one which the aggressor(s) will be going it alone. Thus the Iran-Syria-Hezbollah axis will have only the possibility of Turkey as a potential military partner in any future adventures against the Jewish state. I can safely say that Turkey hasn't the guts, the military loyalty, or the desire to fight and die for anyone but Turks. The more the picture becomes clear, the more we can be sure that the military option will be seen as the most favourable card to play.
What is worth mentioning is that the United States will not grant Iraqi aerospace. I find this to be not only an insult, but an utter act of betrayal on the part of Obama against the Jewish state. What we have is a situation where a muslim nation, THE muslim nation, has been able to make a strategic decision in its own best interest and free from ideological nonsense. The Americans on the other hand are predictably being led by the will of one man and his quest to appease the world's most evil regimes. The irony that the Saudis would work with Israel to shut down the Iranian threat before the US would openly do so is very telling indeed. It at the very least raises some serious questions about Komrade Hussein's priorities regarding security and containment; it gives the impression that to grant the bomb in order to be seen as the progressive friend maker is more important than the very real threat of what that state would do with the bomb once it is developed. Add to this, the efforts being made at ensuring that all traditional alliances the United States has had over the years are treated with the utmost indignity and disdain, I would say that the Americans are painting themselves into a pretty dark corner. Let’s just hope that the United States citizen is as aware of this as those of us who have been pissed on by this Bolshevik boy king. At any rate, the day is quickly approaching and it is safe to say that all will be settled with due diligence.
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