This report comes to us from FOXNEWS;
From Oregon to Minnesota to Ohio, vandals trampled on Old Glory over the Memorial Day weekend. In one Ohio town alone, approximately 25 American flags were found set ablaze on Monday.
At least one national veterans group called for those responsible for the "shocking and reprehensible" acts of vandalism to be quickly arrested and prosecuted.
Police in Wooster, Ohio, were going door-to-door early Tuesday in search of the people who torched roughly 25 flags and flagpoles along Saunders Drive and Morgan Street, Capt. John Quicci said.
"They were set on fire," Quicci told, adding that an investigation is ongoing.
No suspects or motives had been identified, according to Quicci, who was unable to estimate damages to the 3-by-5-foot flags and the 10-foot metal poles placed outside of residents' homes by the annual Wooster Rotary Parade of Flags project.
To not apprehend suspects is understandable; especially since it is not in the interest of the government to pursue something so trivial as the vandalism of the flag. Everybody knows that the flag is nothing more than the manifestation of arrogance and racism anyway. But to go so far as to claim that the motive is unknown is just absurd; I mean according to the media, the whole nation is behind Komrade Hussein and the Democrat party. Everyone is well enough aware of the fact that America is a guilty, murderous, unfair, and exploitive regime which deserves to be cut down to size. What purpose does it serve to deny that the motive behind the flag burning was simple and total loyalty to hope and change? Personally I find it surprising that community organizers everywhere aren't looking to award these new and progressive "Americans" for their bravery and dedication to the "change we can all believe in".
It is sad, really, that truth, goodness, righteousness (and all that is pure) is veiled in sarcasm (anger in a clown suit.) Arrests ought to be made for vandalism itself, destruction of private property. We still live under law, no matter who ignores it.
Posted by: Donna Tyler | June 02, 2010 at 01:33 AM
Good thing these were not Mexican or rainbow flags, or we would have a hate crime on our hands. Thank God they were only American flags, so it's just a prank involving some private property vandalism. Pwhew!
Posted by: Troy | June 02, 2010 at 09:35 PM
The flags were burned because they were made in China by communists.
Posted by: Wooster unemployed comrade | June 09, 2010 at 11:01 PM
Pigs are friends of human beings
Posted by: air jordans | November 15, 2010 at 06:50 AM